This video shows some plastic details of the model created so far. Hope you like it.
This video shows some plastic details of the model created so far. Hope you like it.
Well, 25 days passed after the first entry of this project.
I think this was the most complicated scene I created in a way of texturing and modeling. But most important than that, this was "the" project that make me feel like "now I'm free" when I completed. Not because of tiring, because I wanted badly to do something about Daggerfall by using my expertise on the CG field for a way long time. And I'm very happy about the result that I can no longer have that need for now (not sure if it recur). It is the ultimate satisfaction for me about this kind of inspirations.
Anyway, this project was great excercise for me to achieve some results with different softwares and different approaches. Actually I tried too many ways to get sculpted geometry by parametric texturing (like on the walls, crystal bottle, bottle wicker or sword ornaments). Some of them may be look like primal but I can clearly say that it saved great amount time to not sculpting the detail but creating Substance materials of them. Also as a statistician, creating something with parameters and algorithms is the easiest and direct way for me.
I learned how to handle massive scenes by controlling polygon count and texture loads because of the limitations of GPU rendering.
One of the best achievemernt of this project was to move back and forth on different phases of the workflow and solve the problems without losing time. Like changing UVs after painting the model (reverse baking), modeling minimum geometry and create variations with same texture files without multiplying load on the memory etc.
So this is the end of this project. That was the great moment of my life to work on this Fan Art. Thanks for everyone that supported me while working on it.
All blog entries of the project:
Final Scene -
Final Scene (Unreal Engine Version) -
Document of the whole making of -
I created an adjustible clay material with Substance Designer for some additional clay pot and bottles.
You can watch the adjustment steps by this video:
I imported this material to substance painter to paint variated objects:
Finally all assets are ready and imported to the scene for good. Now I'm rendering final shots of the scene and will render bunch of close-up shots to show details of these assets. I hope you'll like the result. I will share through my artstation page and create one final blog entry to cover up this project steps.
See you soon!
Books and parchment work is completed.
I created 3 different book and 4 additional book back for the shelf line.
First book is a Daedra Summoning book which is very important in the game that you can get artifects by completing the quest given you by the specific Daedra you summon. Writing on the cover is created by the Daedric Font which can be found over internet.
Second book is a populer book series in the game "Bioghraphy of Queen Barenziah" and the 3rd one is a nameless book but it has one specific mark on it. Mark of my favorite metal music band: Pentagram.
After painting additional books backs, I tiled the books on the shelf and added geometric random color node the vary the color channel of the books.
Test renders are as follows:
Then I modeled letter and parchment scrolls with Modo and painted textures with Substance Painter. For the letter object, I copied the text of the first letter player receives in the game, which starts the main quest after player escapes from the first dungeon. The letter from Lady Brisienna.
So, I decided to sum up this project for the sake of the polygon count witch already reached up to 42 million polys and with the texture load it became very painful to load and render the scene with my humble computer. So i will add one final clay material and create bottles and pots through it. Then I will share the final renders after final touches.
See you soon with the Clay entry!
Welcome to the 2.nd part of metal works on Daggerfall Still Life Project. I will share the modeling and texturing details of the following objects:
a. Mug and Cup
As I modeled barrels earlier It would be nice to add some Mug and Cup to the scene, especially for the wine barrel on the left side of the table. I used Modo and Substance Painter.
b. Letter Holding Case
This model has a huge importance for the scene. Because I will add a letter (guess which letter!) to the table which is holding the main focus of the final scene. This holding case has some brass inlaid ornaments on it. Which I created by the Turkish ornament figures from the book of Hüsnü Züber. This letter case is carried by Imperial Courier's to deliver certain messages of the royal family to the concernees.
3. Dagger
This was the best part of the project. Because knowing these items from all FRP games, I wasn't aware of how a good dagger should be made by. I ended up with too many trial & errors on this one but finally get the result I want in almost 7 hours total.
I can clearly say that my model geometry was very weak on detail but Substance Painter saved my butt there because on the grip of the dagger, It was great to control such layers with maskes and filters like we do on Substance Designer. Such a flexibility on a painting software is surprised me!
I love the shine on the dagger. These test renders are the most interesting ones I suppose:
Here is the road map so far:
I hope this will end well :)
Hello! This update contains the following items:
All of them have emitting feature and very importan for the general feeling of the scene. I modeled all of them within Modo. It was great practice for a modeler like me who didn't use polygon modeling techniques for a long time. Well, I'ven been into Cad for a long time.
a. Candelabra
Modo + Substance Painter resulted well. Creating details with substance painter is the extreme joy of this project!
b. Torch
I will use these wall mounted torches fot the general interior lighting purposes. I like the shadows and highlights created on the stone.
c. Lantern
Lanterns are very commonly spotted on the game. The game version looks like it has some cover on the panels for soft lighting. I prefered the glass ones.
Next I will model and share these models:
See you next time!
Fireplace creates a nice medieval touch on this genre. So I love the feeling of the light touches the stones from fireplace. It still need some animal hide in front of the fire but I will consider that objects on cloth phase of the project.
As I mentioned on my last post, I created a fireplace by simple Substance graph and as a map, not model. I created 2 alternatives. First one was using ground texture as a base stone tile, bu it looked like more fictional and didn't comply with the wall texture. So I decided to create the fireplace with using the wall stone texture. Both versions are below:
I'm adding the results so far. Now I can go over the metal works which will be an interesting part of this project.
(By the way, I added logs under the ceiling with a little tweaking on my wood substance).
See you next time,
Finally I combined whole models to get test renders by a quick setup. Here are the results for the approximate route I want to follow on this project. I will create one more stonework: fireplace!! This will be the most interesting part of the project because I want to create the fireplace as a one Substance.
After the fireplace, I will be on the metalworks. Will share the updates as soon as I model and paint the following objects (list may be expand):
Hope you like these test renders. I'm getting excited more and more each day I work on this project!
I created wood and stone substances to mimic Daggerfall ambient a bit further. I mostly inspired from the game textures and sprites I spot on the game. Here are some of them:
For most of the wood work, I used my previous wood Substance that I created for Railroad project. This time I have tweaked some color and wood texture setings. Finally I used these combinations on Barrels and Table models.
Stone wall texture was hard to create for me. I didn't like the whole stone patterns I get, by combining different procedural patterns. Finalley I made some progress and get acceptible results. Also I blended same wood plank material between the stone tiles.
I consider this phase as a 50 percent of this project. After these models, my next step is to create some specific metal work. I will update this blog but before doing that, I'm going to combine the models and textures I created so far to get some test renders and share them with you. This attempt will form some part of my final scene.
See you, then.